On 5/6/2018 at 1533 Hrs Dispatch advised of a razor roll over with one person
that had been ejected that had severe head trauma.
It was reported to be half a mile past the water tower. After a mile it was clear
that the accident was further up the road then what the ambulance could get to.
Deputies requested that search and rescue respond as well.
Paramedics arrived assessed the patient. The patient was not wearing a helmet
or a seat belt when he went off the road and rolled the
Polaris General. Deputies could smell the strong odor
of alcohol coming from the driver. There was also beer cans strewn across the
accident scene.
EMT’s felt that it would be best if the subject was life flighted
off scene due to the head injuries and the length of travel off the mountain.
Search and rescue members set up and landing zone and the patient was loaded in flown from the scene.
Driver was Andrew Stanfill, of Elsinore, UT.